Tuesday 30 March 2010

Several American studies conclude racial consciousness is perfectly natural

In an era where many parents are conditioning their children to believe race is merely a 'social construct', several American studies have shown that kids as young as 6 months judge others based on skin color.

The following article from Newsweek examines the evidence. Hat tip Amrem

At the Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas, a database is kept on thousands of families in the Austin area who have volunteered to be available for scholarly research. In 2006 Birgitte Vittrup recruited from the database about a hundred families, all of whom were Caucasian with a child 5 to 7 years old.

The goal of Vittrup's study was to learn if typical children's videos with multicultural storylines have any beneficial effect on children's racial attitudes. Her first step was to give the children a Racial Attitude Measure, which asked such questions as:

How many White people are nice?
(Almost all) (A lot) (Some) (Not many) (None)

How many Black people are nice?
(Almost all) (A lot) (Some) (Not many) (None)

During the test, the descriptive adjective "nice" was replaced with more than 20 other adjectives, like "dishonest," "pretty," "curious," and "snobby." Read more

Monday 29 March 2010

BNP criticised for opposing Halal super industrial park

Left: Halal Meat for sale.

This barbaric ritual slaughter has no place in the U.K. The animal is not stunned, and hung upside down after having it's throat cut, thus taking up five minutes or more to die. The BNP is right to condem the Halal super industrial estate in South Wales on moral grounds.

Story from This is south wales

THE British National Party has been accused of putting their "narrow prejudice before the chance of good jobs" after vowing to oppose a major development earmarked for the region.

Carmarthenshire and Neath have been named as the preferred home for a proposed £150 million Super Halal Industrial Park, said to promise around 1,500 jobs.

But the BNP say they will fight the plans because the jobs would be given to Muslims.

Writing on our website, Kevin Edwards, BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Aberavon, said: "If the people of Wales think this will provide employment for them then they must think again. If this is given the go ahead the vast majority of jobs created will have to be allocated to Muslims." Read more

Sunday 28 March 2010

English Defence Leauge to protest building of mega Mosque in Dudley

An artists impression of the £18,000,000 mega Mosque planned in Dudley despite 22,000 signatures from locals who appose it.

Following a four-day public inquiry in May 2008 into the plans for the massive project in Hall Street, Bristol-based Government inspector Philip Asquith upheld Dudley Muslim Association’s appeal against rejection of the scheme by the council.

Dudley Muslim Association chairman Dr Khurshid Ahmed said they would “press ahead at full speed,” adding: “It is a victory for common sense in democracy.”  He added: “It is time for reconciliation. This decision has made my year.”

Home secretary powerless to stop  English Defence Leauge protest

The Sunday Mercury reports

They have no such powers on static demonstrations if they are on public land. “They have powers to ensure people can go about their daily business, powers to say make sure you are not in the middle of the road, but the power to stop it doesn’t exist.”

And he defended the right of all groups to demonstrate.
He said: “I deplore any attempt to cause disruption and disharmony in communities but because I disagree with the views of people demonstrating it doesn’t mean I should stop them.
“This is a democracy quite rightly the power of politicians to stop people demonstrating is limited. Read more


Saturday 27 March 2010

Gang of ten attacks goths in Blackburn

Left: A Huge Mosque in Blackburn.

As the Islamification of Britain continues, young Asians (predominently of Pakistani origin) are attacking British youths, on an alarmingly regular basis.

Attacking in a 'pack' is a well known trademark by Pakistani Muslims. The author is in no way shocked that a pack of ten attacked the fifteen year olds in this story. Anyone who has grown up in a predominently Pakistani area will be familiar with such 'pack attacks'.

The Lancashire Telegraph reports:
POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a group of ‘goths’ were attacked by a gang of ten Asian teenagers.
Two of the children were assaulted in the incident, with one 15-year-old having his head rammed into a wall.
The incident happened in the underpass at Blackburn railway station.
British Transport Police said ‘words were exchanged’ between the two groups, but as the group of around six youths aged 15 to 17 walked away, the Asian boys, aged around 16 and 17, became aggressive. Read more